Tamiya Muestra accesorios herramienta plástico
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+ 721
Precio medio últimos 90 días 15,64 €
Easy to use, well made and easy to use ● blade retracts to make it safe in the tool box ● Comes with 2 spare blades, which are hidden out of the way in the handle ● Overpriced for what is essentially a hobby knife ● Not the cheapest option out there, but certainly a tool which has been designed by Tamiya for specific purposes ● Can't go wrong if precision modelling is your thing - it's a great tool for 1:24 and 1:72 kits ● I was impressed that the blade was able to cope well with the different scales and sizes of line ● It gives out a perfect line and can follow along raised panel lines without a guide ● The first two passes need to be ultra-light in pressure, after that the blade stays in the groove without a problem ● The blade slides out and back in again, and is locked in place with a simple screw mechanism ● It is easy to hold firmly - not too big or too small, and I find it sits comfortably in the hand ● It has no trouble cutting sheets of thicknesses from 2mm to 5mm, and had no trouble at all ● So yes, if you need to cut hard plastic buy it:) I can confirm that it is amazing and did the job perfectly! I didn't break my hands or any tools in the process! So if you find yourself needing to cut into storage boxes this is what you need (I was cutting into a 'really useful' storage box which is high qaulity) ● Size and shape of the blade mean that it is a very effective cutter and does not flex ● Two spare blades safely stored in the handle, and held in place so that they do noit rattle around and dull their edge ● Reviewer: 'In principle I have no complaints, it works perfectly and meets for what it is intended' Leer más
- Agrega detalles a los modelos de escala de plástico
- Es adecuado para cortar tableros de plástico gruesos
- La cuchilla se puede retraer con seguridad adentro cuando no está en uso
- Se incluyen dos cuchillas de repuesto intercambiables
Precio medio | 15,64 € |
Precio + barato | 14,55 € |
Precio + caro | 17,36 € |
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